New Additions in Schools
New Additions in Schools
Is your school getting a new addition this year? Whether it’s a playground, field house, or cafeteria, be sure to reach out.
Ohio School Plan is looking for talented individuals
Ohio School Plan is looking for talented individuals
As an Ohio School Plan board member, you can make a difference!
Human Resources – Essentials for the School Treasurer
Human Resources – Essentials for the School Treasurer
Ohio School Plan will be presenting at the NWOASBO’s Summer Budget Update & Professional Development Seminar.
OASBO Bootcamp 2022: Essentials of Business Operations
OASBO Bootcamp 2022: Essentials of Business Operations
Join Ohio School Plan at the Ohio Association of School Business Officials’ 2022 Bootcamp: Essentials of Business Operations.
Lightning Safety Awareness Week
Lightning Safety Awareness Week
Inspecting your facilities to make sure they are prepared for a storm may prevent damage or minimize the impact.
The weather across Ohio can change and become hazardous quickly. In the event of severe weather, do you know who to call?
Athletic Facilities Transition: Who’s Responsible
Athletic Facilities Transition: Who’s Responsible
The end of the academic school year marks a specific transition for district-owned athletic facilities.
Focusing on School Safety
Focusing on School Safety
Ohio School Plan encourages all districts to regularly conduct comprehensive reviews of their safety and security measures in place at each school building.